
  • Arrow keys for movement. 
  • Space to punch. 
  • R to restart.

This is a midterm game for one of my classes.

This game's concept is basically just killing bugs. When I was younger, I was very fascinated by bugs. Like lots of other kids, I really liked insects like Stag Beetles and Praying Mantids. Sometimes I dig around in the dirt looking for insects to play witih. I would often mess with ants for my own amusement whenever my family went outside for some barbecue. I've also always hated roaches and sometimes would try to hunt them down at night.

While making this game, making the models felt like the hardest thing to do but it was also one of the funnest things to do. Making 3D models actually turned out to be a lot more difficult than I expected, but it was really cool making cool objects out of polygons, especially the hand. The hand took a really long time to make and it is very hard to see carefully while playing, but I felt like I learned a lot in Maya by making it. Coding as always was frustrating because I've gotten many bugs, some that took forever to fix despite the solution being a simple name change.

Note: Highscore does not work since it requires being able to update a file. This also means the game can't be restarted with R when the time runs out.

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